Christmas Vacation Movie Quotes

Make your Christmas Merrier with these Christmas Vacation Movie Quotes.

“Looks great. Little full, lotta sap.” – Clark Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“Do you hear it? It’s a funny, squeaky sound!” – Aunt Bethany

christmas vacation movie quotes

“This isn’t charity; it’s family.” – Clark Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“Sh*tter’s full.” – Cousin Eddie

christmas vacation movie quotes

“Hey kids, look! A deer!” – Clark Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“I’m sorry, this is our family’s first kidnapping.” – Ellen Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“I was just looking at something for my wife, God rest her soul.” – Clark Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“Mom? This box is meowing.” – Rusty Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“What is it? A letter confirming your reservation at the nuthouse?” – Grandpa Art

christmas vacation movie quotes

“Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where’s the Tylenol?” – Clark Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes


Can’t be home this Christmas with your friends and families? Send one of these beautiful Christmas Cards to your loved ones.


“If that thing had nine lives, she just spent ’em all.” – Cousin Eddie

christmas vacation movie quotes

“We’re gonna have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas.” – Clark Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“Surprised, Eddie?… If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised.” – Clark Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“I don’t know what to say, but it’s Christmas, and we’re all in misery.” – Ellen Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“Yes, it’s a bit nipply out, I mean nippy out.” – Clark Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“You about ready to do some kissin’?” – Cousin Eddie

christmas vacation movie quotes

“And why is the carpet all wet, Todddddd?” – Margo Chester

margo chester quotes

“You ain’t never seen a set on a dog like this one’s got, Clark.” – Cousin Eddie

cousin eddie quotes

“Is your house on fire, Clark?” – Aunt Bethany

aunt bethany quotes

“Eat my road grit, Liver Lips!” – Clark Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“Clark, Audrey’s frozen from the waist down.” – Ellen Griswold

christmas vacation movie quotes

“Would it be indecent to ask the grandparents to stay at a hotel?” – Audrey Griswold

audrey griswold quotes

“Welcome to our home—what’s left of it.” – Ellen Griswold

ellen griswold quotes

“Hurry up, Clark. I’m freezing my baguettes off.” – Art Smith

art smith quotes

“Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Happy Hanukkah.” – Clark Griswold

clark griswold quotes

Can’t be home this Christmas with your friends and families? Send one of these beautiful Christmas Cards to your loved ones.